
to the Whitman Campus Greens website! We are a progressive club devoted to environmental preservation, education and awareness. Funded by the Associated Students of Whitman College, we work with the campus and the greater Walla Walla community to promote sustainability and appreciation of the environment. Campus Greens is the umbrella group for a lot of the environmental activities at Whitman and is a gathering place for green-minded student leaders and all those who wish to see the environment become a top priority both at Whitman and nationwide. Campus Greens coordinate a range of student led issue-focused campaigns. We also organize environment-related activities and events, such as speakers, teach-ins, art shows, and fun do-it-yourself workshops. Read on for more information, and don’t forget to check out the campaign website for Environmental Education for Kids.

Sustainability Revolving Loan Fund and Bi-weekly Challeng

The Sustainability Revolving Loan Fund (SRLF) is $25,000 line of credit designated for campus improvements that significantly benefit Whitman's sustainability efforts by conserving resources and improving efficiency. All loans are expected to generate savings that result in a 100%+ pay-back within no more than five years. The SRLF will be replenished through the savings accrued from the implementation of the projects.
Some ideas generated for possible projects were:
-Dorm monitors that measure and display the electricity and water usage of residence halls on campus to help raise awareness within the dorm of energy usage
-Aerators on faucets to reduce the amount of water used
-Planting edible crops on campus to sell to the dining halls
-Campus pigs for food waste
-Motion-activated lights in the back staircase of the library
-Air dryers in bathrooms instead of paper towels
-Any 24-hour light bulbs on campus replaced with LED lights
Applications for projects and more information can be found here: http://www.whitman.edu/content/about/environment/srlf
Questions? Ask Lisa Curtis : curtislm@whitman.edu
Campus Greens holds a new challenge every two weeks to help raise environmental awareness and be kind to this good earth around us. Challenges in the past have been:
-eating the most local produce
-having the fewest minutes in the shower (the winner had 40 minutes for two weeks!)
-picking up the most litter around campus
This week's challenge: going the longest stretch of days without consuming ANY high-fructose corn syrup (even when it's hidden in your bread!)


Campus Greens was established in 2001 to serve as an umbrella organization for student environmental activities. Campus Greens and the interrelated campaigns are proud to have contributed to increasing the quality of campus environment and reducing our footprint on the planet. A food waste composting program, successful campus-wide forums on climate change, formulation of college response to this challenge, and 100% recycled paper used for all regular printing paper on campus are examples of the work by many dedicated and skillful campus environmental activists. Campaigns act as autonomous entities with individual leadership and work style. Campus Greens meet every two weeks on Mondays at 8pm at the Environmental Interest House. We meet to discuss club and campaign activities, and plan and coordinate upcoming events. The campaigns meet on separate times as needed.

Green Whitman

GreenWhitman Outside of the campaigns Campus Greens work on GreenWhitman projects that further our goals of increasing awareness about environmental issues and solutions. These projects range from organizing Earth Day Celebration to collecting dishes gone missing from the dining halls. Since 2006 Campus Greens have been collecting empty printer cartridges and mobile phones for refilling and recycling. Revenues from the project benefit the Daily Market Coop. Campus Greens reading club meets weekly to discuss environmental literature. Campus Greens promote practical skills need for an environmentally conscious lifestyle. Campus Greens support and organize creative expressions of environmental thinking and organizes environmental art exhibitions. Do It Yourself workshops offers introduction to skills ranging from produce conservation for the winter to using local public transportation. Campus Greens support the Environmentalist Choir performance at the Whitman Choral Contest. Campus Greens encourage the use of re-usable dishware at all social events on and off campus. For current activities and ongoing projects please see the calendar or contact the Campus Greens president Karlis Rokpelnis rokpelk@whitman.edu or attend a Campus Greens meeting held every second Monday at 8pm at the Environmental Interest House.