Some ideas generated for possible projects were:
-Dorm monitors that measure and display the electricity and water usage of residence halls on campus to help raise awareness within the dorm of energy usage
-Aerators on faucets to reduce the amount of water used
-Planting edible crops on campus to sell to the dining halls
-Campus pigs for food waste
-Motion-activated lights in the back staircase of the library
-Air dryers in bathrooms instead of paper towels
-Any 24-hour light bulbs on campus replaced with LED lights
Applications for projects and more information can be found here:
Questions? Ask Lisa Curtis :
Campus Greens holds a new challenge every two weeks to help raise environmental awareness and be kind to this good earth around us. Challenges in the past have been:
-eating the most local produce
-having the fewest minutes in the shower (the winner had 40 minutes for two weeks!)
-picking up the most litter around campus
This week's challenge: going the longest stretch of days without consuming ANY high-fructose corn syrup (even when it's hidden in your bread!)